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F r i e n d s  o f  t h e  R S O

In 2018, the Rhondda Symphony Orchestra celebrated its 50th anniversary: 50 uninterrupted years of bringing live classical music into your community.


To mark this occasion, we introduced the Friends of the RSO programme which is helping to sustain the success of the orchestra for many more years to come.


By becoming a Friend, we hope you will share in the pleasure of providing the opportunity for local community musicians to perform together, including supporting young musical talents to get performance experience essential for their future careers and to maintain their love of playing music for many years after leaving school.


Benefits of Becoming a Friend of the RSO


·     Priority seats reserved for all RSO concerts

·     Free concert programme

·     Your name (with consent) listed with thanks in our programme notes and website

·     A letter of thanks from the orchestra, signed by the RSO Chairperson

·     Updates on the recipients of the Young Musician of the Valleys bursaries

·     The knowledge that you’re supporting one of the finest amateur orchestras in Wales and providing opportunities for young                   musicians for years to come


About the RSO's Finances


The RSO’s main source of income is subscriptions from members of the orchestra itself. Fees are waived for younger and less-advantaged members to maximise our community outreach. Subscriptions and income from ticket sales go towards the cost of rehearsal venue hire and fees, performance venue hire, music and equipment hire and occasional ‘stiffening’ (finding players for less common instruments). In recent years, the orchestra have been increasingly ambitious in their choice of programmes and venues and having a greater source of regular income significantly supports us in this aim. Most of all, it helps ensure the continuation of the success of the orchestra, we would hope, for the next 50 years.


How to Become a Friend


If you'd like to support the RSO by becoming a Friend, we would welcome monthly Standing Orders – suggested amounts: £2.50 per month, £5 per month or £10 per month.


Bank Account Name: Rhondda Symphony Orchestra

Sort Code: 30-96-72

Account no.: 02007366


If you have any questions please contact the RSO at . Thank you so much for your support.




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